Pi+ Size Industrial PC
Do not mistake this small single board for something to build gimmicky gadgets or stunt-pulling robots. It's the solution to win the tug of war between size and yield. CS551 is a computing titan with the size of a genie.
3.5" And Yet Have No Bounds
The computing power CS551 has to offer will not give you the impression that it's just another development board on the market. With new-gen Intel® Core™ processors and GT graphics to deliver groundbreaking output, the 3.5" board defies the limits of size, and is matching up with the expectation of a Mini-ITX computer. Its PC-level output marks a new era—form factor no longer defines the capacity of an IPC.
Not Succumbing to The Cold
The distinctive design of CS551—tailored to allow easy acclimation—lies in the brilliance of its own heat source. This self-heating feature revolutionizes the specs of manufactured boards. Temperatures below the freezing point do not give CS551 cold feet as it's testified to brace itself for the frost head-on in the cold wintry wilderness of -30°C.
Tuned to a T
Heating is not a problem, and neither will cooling be of concern. CS551 is tuned up to save you the conundrum of saving space and getting the optimal computing power that foreshadows staggering temperature readouts. The option of heatsinks rids the streamlined 3.5" board of bulky fans, netting the best of both worlds.
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