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COM Express Mini

COM Express Mini module delivers high performance on a small footprint, which features a 55 x 84 mm size. It is ideal for space-limited, power-saving, and mobile applications. DFI's ultra-small modules are available with COM Express pin-out Type 10.

COM Express Compact

COM Express Compact module is designed with computing capability and cost efficiency in a compact form factor with a footprint of 95 x 95 mm, making it the best option for transportation and defense applications. DFI's Compact modules are available with COM Express pin-out Type 2 and Type 6.

COM Express Basic

COM Express Basic module provides high-level processing performance and high-speed interfaces for a wide range of computing-demand applications such as medical and industrial automation. DFI's Basic modules are compatible with COM Express pin-out Type 2, Type 6, and Type 7.


COM HPC (Computer on Module High Performance Computing) supports high-performance multi-core processors, possesses high-performance edge computing capabilities, and offers flexible expandability, meeting the requirements of various industrial applications. It also supports multiple high-speed interfaces suitable for data-intensive and compute-intensive applications.


SMARC ("Smart Mobility ARChitecture") is mainly designed for applications that require extremely energy-saving, constrained space, and high performance with a full-size module measuring 82 x 80 mm and short size measuring 82 x 50 mm. It's the ideal solution for digital signage, human-machine interface, automation, and portable devices.


Qseven is equipped with fast serial interfaces in an ultra-small form factor with a measurement of just 70 x 70 mm. It is much smaller than other system-on-modules, which makes it an ideal solution for space-limited and low power applications.

Open Standard Module (OSM)

The Open Standard Module is a solderable system-on-module, optimized for rugged applications requiring vibration resistance and a compact form factor. Its modular design enhances cost efficiency, minimizes footprint, and allows for future interface expansion.The Open Standard Module is a solderable system-on-module, optimized for rugged applications requiring vibration resistance and a compact form factor. Its modular design enhances cost efficiency, minimizes footprint, and allows for future interface expansion.


Intel® Smart Display Module is for next generation commercial AIO displays and visual IoT devices. Intel® SDM provides the primary compute building block and requires an interface board on the displays or host system to complete platform implementation and provide standard end user physical interfaces.

Carrier Board

DFI’s carrier board (also known as base board or evaluation board) offers a flexible engineering development environment for COM Express Type 10, Type 7, Type 6, Type 2, and Qseven. Which helps our customers minimize integration requirements while reducing development time and cost.


DFI provides off-the-shelf and reliable System-On-Modules that include COM Express Mini, COM Express Compact, COM Express Basic, and Qseven based on Intel, AMD, and ARM latest platforms. In addition, DFI’s value-added design-in services help fast customization for various embedded computing solutions.